TV's Judge David Young guests this week. He rules weekly on dog-related cases. He talks candidly about pets being considered 'property' in the courts. Ladybug the 'Animal Radio® stunt Chihuahua' is turning out to be 'not-all-Chihuahua.' Don't miss the drama as we try to figure out 'who's the daddy.' Canine Heritage Breed Testing is doing a DNA test to determine the winner of the Animal Radio® Whose-Your-Daddy pool. No doubt Obama's future puppy is making waves. Everybody has their 'two-cents' - but what really makes sense. Another pet-food recall. This time because it's making humans sick. Bobbie Hill has the complete story as well as the weeks animal news headlines. Dr. Jim tells you what he sees in his office this time of year...and how to avoid the vet during the holidays. More at We're streaming Live 24/7 at