Bullet-Proof Vests For Dogs
As our canine friends have become integral members of many police forces, it is becoming more apparent for the need to suit them properly for the dangerous job. That's where Sandy Marcal comes in. She's raising funds to help afford the $1000 a piece vests that protect our working dogs.
Pet Food Stamps
In these rough economic times, many pet owners are forced to abandon their beloved pets due to the inability to pay for their basic food supply and care. That's why Marc Okon formed a program to ship pet food to those that cannot afford it. He has all the details and how to apply for help.
"Bad Dog" Statute Leaves Yellow Stain on Building
A giant statue known as "Bad Dog" is turning out to be good publicity for the Orange County Museum of Art. The 28-foot-tall piece of art from Richard Jackson depicts a dog lifting one leg and leaving a yellow paint stain on the side of the building. Museum spokeswoman Kirsten Schmidt tells the Orange County Register almost all of the reaction to the dog has been positive, although some people do wish the pooch wasn't quite so anatomically correct.
The Cat's Peeing In The Dog Bed
What happens when your pet relieves themselves in the wrong place. This is the most common behavioral problem we hear about. There is not always one standard solution. Dr. Debbie examines the different reasons cats and dogs do this. She'll help with a tough case of kitty revenge on the dog.
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Next Week: Virginia Morell (Animalwise) - Foul Play at Westminster
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