The Very Entertaining Subject of Tick Removal
It may not be the topic around the water-cooler, but tick removal can be a very important subject when your own pet gets one. Simply yanking them out could leave saliva with Lyme disease in your furry friend. Dogfather Joey Villani says put that cigarette down and listen to his tip.
More Wag, Less Bark
If your pup barks at everything from the mailman to a butterfly, then listen up. Dog Trainer Alan Kabel has quick and successful techniques for curbing the woof. Forget the bark collars. Alan helps you think like your dog.
Dog Shoots Man
A Florida man is recovering after his dog shot him in the leg. Greg Lanier was in his truck with his dog when his four-legged friend kicked a loaded gun to the floor. The 380-pistol went off, shooting the 35-year-old in the leg.
Don't Mess With Her Cat!
A woman has been accused of murdering her husband over a pet cat. The 56-year-old woman was allegedly protecting her cat when she stabbed her husband to death. This is not the first time that a woman has been accused of attacking her husband over a pet cat. In September, Texas resident Audrey Deen Miller was arrested after she allegedly shot her husband in the stomach when he threatened to shoot her cat with a pellet gun.
No Standards For Pet Travel Products
New Jersey is the first state to consider a requirement that pets be restrained in vehicles. The Center for Pet Safety conducted a pilot study that showed that "the majority of pet safety restraints currently on the market do not provide acceptable protection in a crash situation," said Michael McHale, Subaru's director of corporate communications.
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Next Week: Phillip Angert - Dog Training App, Anthony Eddy - Freeze Drying Pets
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