Pet Spending At All Time High
The American Pet Products Association reports we're shelling out nearly 60-Billion bucks a year on our animals. Research shows empty-nesters are now spending more on their four-legged children.
Setting A Fine Example
What happens when a father/daughter trip to Chuck E. Cheese turns into a high-speed chase after dad steals a puppy. Britt Savage reports.
Whose Poop?
Advances in forensic science has created a worldwide effort to catch up with people who don't clean up after their dogs. Many apartment owners are now requiring in their leases that dogs of tenants submit to DNA testing. There's actually a company to do the dirty work. PooPrints offers special leak-proof containers ad spatulas to make the job easier. A thumbnail sized sample of the suspect poop is sent to the lab ... and that leads back to the dog and owner.
That Chicken Bit Back
Farmers in Georgia have found a chicken with teeth. Researchers say a recessed gene may be responsible. It is possible that this isn't the only one case of toothed fowl.
Tapeworm Talk
It's not a pretty topic, but it's a conversation we need to have. Tapeworms. Not Dr. Debbie's favorite parasite (listen to find out what is her favorite), but a nuisance none-the-less. Dr. Joel Ehrenzweig tells you how to identify and treat tapeworms. Did you know you can get'em?
More this week
Next Week: Brooke Martin - Jack Shepard, Jennifer Robinson, Araceli Lucio-Forster