A Plan To Get Rid Of All The Cats
Dr. Gareth Morgan wants to rid New Zealand of all the cats. He says they're damaging the bird population. Is he crazy or does he have a point? We'll speak with him and find out what he's thinking and the adversity he's facing with his plan.
Poison In Your House
Dr. Justine Lee works at the Pet Poison Helpline. She says the top 5 pet toxins are probably in your house and accessible to your furry-friend. Dr. Lee will tell you what to watch out for and how to treat a pet that has eaten something poisonous.
The Hard To Train Dog
Peggy Swager has dedicated her life to the "hard to train" dog. She will tell us about her toughest cases and how to manage a dog that just won't behave properly. We'll have tips for overcoming problem behaviors and giveaways of her book.
Bully Sticks Condemned
Turns out there's a lot more inside a popular dog treat than most pet owners probably imagine. They're called "pizzle" sticks or "bully" sticks and a new study out of Canada says they're loaded with calories and bacteria. The treat is made from uncooked, dried bull penis and researchers say they can contain things like E. coli and MRSA.
Iran Launches Monkey Into Space
Iran said they launched a live monkey into space, seeking to show off its missile systems. "This shipment returned safely to Earth with the anticipated speed along with the live organism," Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi told the semi-official Fars news agency. However, comparative pictures of the monkey don't match.