Rescue Crowd-funds Butt-hole For Kitten
Shawn Simons is the Headmistress of the Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats. They're an outstanding non-profit rescue in the Los Angeles area. Shawn just crowd-funded a $10,000 surgery for a kitten. That may not sound unusual until you hear the kitty was born with Imperforate Anus, or no butt-hole. Now, along with television sensation Tosh.0, she's trying to raise a million for 2000 butt-holes.
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Who's Got Your Back When The Raptures Comes?
Pastor Travis Davis founded Pets After Rapture. He considers himself the "middle-man" between your pets and the animal-loving non-believers who will be around after the rapture. For a small fee, his service will be dispatched to your home "post-rapture" to care for your pets.
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Veterinarians See The Most Unusual Things
A veterinarian in Oklahoma operated on a dog that wasn't feeling well after eating its human sibling's pacifier. The vet could have made a ton of money had he charged for each pacifier he would later take out of the dog's belly, which ended up being a total of 21. Dr. Debbie shares her “strange and unusual things found in the belly of a dog" stories.
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Cannabis Based Pet Supplements Come Under Fire.
People anxious to relieve their pet's physical pain are more and more trying oils and powders that contain CBDs, a non-psychoactive component of marijuana. But, there's little data on whether these products work, or if they have harmful side effects. That's because the federal government has not approved any clinical trials of cannabis pet products. The FDA has warned companies that sell marijuana related pet products that they're violating laws by offering "unapproved new animal drugs." The FDA has even threatened legal action.
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